What is a Weighted Blanket?
A weighted blanket is a blanket that contains small weights to provide a feeling of security and comfort. They're often used for children with autism and other sensory processing disorders, but they can also be beneficial for people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
Weighted blankets come in different sizes and shapes, but they all have the same basic design: they are made up of many layers of fabric sewn together at the edges with pockets placed inside them where you can add weight.
The most common types of weighted blankets include quilted squares or rectangles; wrap-around styles (like those used for swaddling infants); circular "cocoons"; and lap pads that can be slipped under regular bedding for extra support when lying down in bed or sitting on the couch watching TV!
How Does a Weighted Blanket Help Sens
ory Seeking Kids?
Weighted blankets can help with sensory processing disorder and other sensory seeking behaviors. They provide deep pressure stimulation, which is calming for kids who struggle with anxiety. The weight of the blanket provides deep pressure stimulation to the body, which can be very helpful in reducing stress levels and helping to improve sleep quality.
What Are the Benefits of Weighted Blankets for Sensory Seeking Kids?
Weighted blankets can help sensory seeking kids with their focus and concentration, body awareness, mood and behavior.
For example:
Improved Focus and Concentration - Weighted blankets are known to help children who have trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks. They provide deep pressure stimulation that is calming for the nervous system which in turn helps them focus better on what they're doing. This is especially helpful for kids with ADHD or autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Improved Body Awareness - Weighted blankets also provide proprioceptive input which helps improve body awareness in children who struggle with it due to sensory processing issues like dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Propr
ioception refers to our ability to feel where our limbs are without looking at them; this allows us not only pick up objects but also navigate through space safely without bumping into things around us!
What Types of Weighted Blankets Are Available?
There are a variety of different weighted blankets available. Some are smaller, others are larger and some come in different weights. You can also choose the material that you want your blanket to be made out of--cotton or flannel, for example. And if you're looking for something with a little more texture than just plain fabric, there are options for that too!